We offer a full range of migration services that include assessment of migration options, assistance in preparing migration applications and submissions, application lodgement and representation before the Migration Review Tribunal.
Business Migration
Temporary and Permanent business visas, Independent and State/Territory Sponsored visas including business owner, senior executive, investor and employer sponsored migration.
Skilled Migration
Independent and Australian sponsored skilled migration, skilled students and non-students, Skilled Independent Regional (SIR) migration.
Family Migration
Married and de-facto spouse, same sex relationships, parent visas, dependent child migration, aged dependent relative, carer, last remaining relative visa.
Student Visas
Primary School, High School, Vocational Education and Training, University (undergraduate and postgraduate), ELICOS, non-award courses, AusAID and Defence sponsored studies.
Visitor Visas
Short stay and long stay tourist visas, family sponsored visitor visas, working holiday visa.
Refugee and Humanitarian Visas
Onshore and Offshore applications.
Other Visas
Sports visas, occupational training visas, visiting academics, religious workers, medical treatment, entertainment, transit visas.
By conferral and descent.
Representation at the Migration Review Tribunal, Refugee Review Tribunal, Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Federal Court and High Court of Australia.
Ministerial Intervention
Submissions seeking Ministerial Intervention on the basis of public interest.
Character Submissions
Submissions in response to notice to cancel or refuse a visa on character grounds.
Criminal Offences in Breach of the Migration Act 1958
Representation of criminal matters in the Magistrates and County Court.